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Imaging 3D Surgery


Our Approach

At Arnett Gunson our mission is to treat every patient with the goals of facial function, airway health and bite correction in mind. The foundation of our practice is spending quality time with each patient through in depth consultations to provide a clear and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan. We have established five keys to our approach in patient care:

·         Safety
·         Accuracy
·         Warmth
·         Education
·         Efficiency

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We work together with our patients using clinical evaluations, tools and technology to guide treatment of the occlusion, airway and face in three planes of space for an improved esthetic outcome.

"Models, cephalometric analysis, and facial analysis together should provide the cornerstones for successful diagnosis. Models and clinical bite examination indicate to the practitioner that bite correction is necessary. Facial analysis identifies positive and negative facial traits and dictates how the bite will be corrected to optimize esthetic facial goals. If the skeletal problem is significant enough to alter facial balance, the problem is most likely too severe to be corrected successfully with orthodontic tooth movement alone. Ideal occlusal harmony is achieved with the desired cosmetic facial changes dictating what orthodontic and surgical procedures should be used. If orthodontic tooth movement cannot produce the necessary facial changes, then surgery is indicated. Each diagnostic tool contributes to the clinician’s perception of facial and occlusal problems"
—Dr. Michael Gunson